
The UTR Translation Summer School is an event held annually at different locations across Russia. The main objectives of the Summer School are to strengthen ties within the translator community; to identify topical issues in the translation industry and to devise solution to these; to promote the exchange of best practice, including the use of information and communication technology for translation purposes, and in the training of translators; to discuss translation training techniques, the interaction between higher education institutions and businesses, and between translators and their clients; and to consider the legal aspects of translation activities.

Previous Translation Summer Schools have been held in Ruza, Sochi (at the Russian State Social University), Astrakhan (at the Astrakhan State University), Nizhny Novgorod (at the N.A. Dobrolyubov State Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod), Vologda (at the Vologda State Technical University) and in Pushkin (at the A.S. Pushkin Leningrad State University).

The organisers of the Translation Summer School see it as being not only a stimulating cultural programme in itself and an opportunity for informal “backstage” interaction between the participants, enabling them to identify and clarify issues around the topics under discussion, but also a place where new ideas can be born.

Traditionally, those taking part in the Translation Summer School are freelance translators and individual entrepreneurs, teachers from higher education institutions, representatives and heads of translation companies and the translation departments of commercial enterprises. Thus, the School provides an opportunity for those involved in the translation industry to establish contacts with each other and it enables relationships to develop between the players in different parts of the translation services market.

In 2015 the UTR Translation Summer School is also going to form an integral part of the “Year of Literature”. This means that considerable attention will be paid to the state of literary translation in Russia, particularly to address issues around the training of translators working in the field of fiction. However, many other issues relevant to the translation industry will also be open for discussion. The Summer School organisers are therefore more than happy to receive suggestions from potential delegates for important and thought-provoking discussion topics.

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